Thursday, January 25, 2007

Welcome to the Agora!

In the days of Socrates, the Athenian agora was the place to be. It was the marketplace, not only of physical goods, but of ideas. It was here that Socrates walked around, discussing the matters that truly matter with the youth of Athens. Ultimately, this caused him to run afoul of the city leaders, and his death prompted the work by his most famous student, Plato, from which the quotation is taken at the bottom of our blog.

Today, our leaders understand the value of such discussion and have made it an integral part of the International Baccalaureate program by requiring a course called Theory of Knowledge.

If you are a TOK student, I hope you will find this blog a place to continue the discussions we can only begin in class and start others that will bear fruit in the classroom as well.

If you are just stopping by, then stay a while. Listen in on the great conversation taking place. And when you leave, allow yourself to be amazed that what is discussed here is the thought and expression of an extraordinary group of high school students.