Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Incarnate Truth

WARNING! This post contains hot-button material related to faith. Respond however you like. Just be sure to respect the thoughts of others. In other words, respond as you do in class.

Our textbook, Man is the Measure by Reuben Abel, referred to the famous question of the 1st century Roman provincial governor Pontius Pilate to Jesus, "What is truth?" in the Gospel of John, 18:38 As we have discussed this question, many have assumed truth to be an abstract concept. Some have argued for a connection between truth and facts or between truth and observable reality.

What if truth itself is observable reality? No discussion of truth would be complete without referencing the equally famous statement of Jesus himself in the Gospel of John, 14:6. "I am the way and the truth and the life...."

Even if this statement is taken as metaphor, what does it mean for truth to have a name and a face? What does it mean for truth to be identified with the thirty year old, 1st century Jewish male known as Jesus?

(John 14:6)

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