Thursday, September 24, 2009

No Certain Answer

I don't believe there is any right answer to this question although there may be some wrong ones. It is based solely upon human nature and how it differs in each individual. But what I hate about human nature and just don't understand is:

Why when then majority of the world advocates unity and even the steriotypical answer to a beauty pagent question is "world peace," why must we insist upon creating hate that will only create more violence and disunity?


Armon(ie) Kaviani said...

Because although publicly people stand for what is "good" in society (peace, unity, etc....), inside, people naturally foster human qualities such as selfishness and jealousy that lead to hate which in turn leads to violence and conflagration of peace. So yes, if you ask someone, they will tell you that they fully support "world peace", but if you closely examine their everyday actions, you will inevitably see that some things they do are driven by the malignant side of man that causes such pain in our world.

Oh, and some people are just bad eggs....

Noelle Madrigal said...

I agree with what Armonie (haha) said about how people have qualities like selfishness and jealously. It's like that one presentation where the person was only concerned about how certain decisions will affect themselves (i forgot the term). I don't think a person can ever be completely self-less, it's not a bad thing to be a little selfish. But when leaders or people with a lot of power are arrogant and unable to compromise, they usually choose fighting as a means to get what they want. I think that they become so consumed in their wants that they forget others or aren't willing to listen to others.

also people are hypocrites. a lot of people say they want to help to get "world peace" and stuff like that but how many of those people actually take action? well i guess hypocrites is kinda harsh...but people do say that they are going to help others but then stop either because they are actually unable to help, they aren't willing to search and look for opportunities, or they could've said that to make themselves look better...there are a lot of reasons.

it's hard for a society to do "good" when the people within that society don't take action.