Thursday, November 12, 2009

Same Teachers

A quick question I threw out mere seconds before the bell rang:

In math, how much of an obstacle to understanding, a problem of knowing, is it to have different teachers for each level and branch of mathematics? Would it be a help to have the same teacher for several levels, especially levels in succession, as you often do when in foreign language study?

1 comment:

Ben Fasig said...

I think that the answer to that question is very opinionated and varies greatly between people. Some people might like to have the same teacher for several years in a row, but to me it doesn't matter. I think that I can learn math fine regardless of the teacher. Because math is made up of many strict theorems and definitions, they are what makes the most difference in understanding math and not necessarily the manner of teaching. Most math teachers will teach the same thing in nearly the same way.
The only way I can see whether the teacher moves with the student affecting comprehension is that the teacher might learn more about each student and what methods of teaching work best for them. In this way they would be able to help the student more personally.