Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hygiene, among other thoughts.

(Click on it for a bigger, readable one.)

Is this important? Is the loss of sweet tastes worth the inclusion of deception in your daily rituals? Does this deception adversely affect you? Is it a good thing- that toothpaste keeps one from eating sweets as a preventative measure? Are comics capable of communicating legitimate philosophical thought? Am I just being silly? Is this post too short for the ToK blog? Discuss.

(Cat and Girl, by Dorothy Gambrell, is subject to an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Generic copyright.

1 comment:

Magister P said...

Certainly not too short. Comics are undoubtedly a fine avenue for communicating philosophical and other kinds of serious thought. The power of comics and humor is the ability to cut through layers of distraction to get to the heart of an issue. I will leave it to the TOK students to discuss the actual issues of toothpaste and sweets!