Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prime Time

What do you think of this?


AP1691 said...

As intriguing as the idea of a 13 million digit prime number is, i must ask why people find it useful enough to give out $100,000. But as a generation in the computer age, we are always trying to find a higher number. I think that the age of computers is somewhat diminishing the nature of mathematics. Although computers are very useful to mathematicians and even students, computers can very easily find a number once programmed with an equation. The most famous mathematicians are not those who use technology, but those who, from nature, are able to discover a pattern that allows the field of mathematics to grow beyond what is known.

yilun said...

I've heard of this from Mr. Brown last year. And apparently many people in my class installed this program in their computer. I feel like most people are doing this for the money only. I don’t see the reason for finding the largest prime number. I understand the reason for giving out Noble Prizes and money for scientific discoveries, but why for finding a larger prime number? Scientific discoveries have impacts on our lives (ex. cure diseases). But what does the prime number have anything to do with our life? I feel like finding the largest prime number is more like a silly Guinness Records thing instead of a significant mathematical event

Magister P said...

Two great comments! First, is this whole thing silly? I wonder begin to answer that with another question. Does a piece of research need to state its practical application before it begins? Much research is done only to have practical applications develop later.

As for whether computers are diminishing the accomplishment of mathematicians, I would encourage you to remember this when we get into art. Is there something greater about art, or mathematical discoveries, that are produced entirely by humans using tools rather than by the tools themselves?

yilun said...

If finding a larger prime number is a piece of research that will have practical applications developed later, then will there be an end to this research? What if the largest prime number is infinity? Even if there is a limit, this research might take up to centuries before the "largest" prime number is found. If this research is really necessary, for maybe patterns or solving mysteries, isn't the numbers we have so far enough? I believe that we have enough data to create any practical applications we want for prime numbers.