Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Reach and The Grasp

As British poet Robert Browning famously said, "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" I have never been so excited by a strand of student conversation! Thank you, Ibutterfli4life, for adding significant lines to this discussion.

I hardly know where to begin. What you and Meowmix515 are talking about is hope, the absence of which is despair. We must believe in and hope for our ability to advance, both as individuals and as communities, from the tiny community of a group of friends to the macro-community of a nation. Some branches of faith call this sanctification, and ongoing process that cannot reach completion in this life.

Yet it is the striving you talk about and the application of, not just the familiarity with, wisdom that has come before us that lead us to feats of accomplishment previously undreamt in the human mind. Of course America is not perfect, but despite the fashionable trend among some to bash all things American, it was precisely this vision, based on hope, founded on the conviction of the possibility of human advancement, and fueled by past wisdom carefully evaluated through present lenses, that have enabled this country to lead the world in countless endeavors.

Never before, and I mean this, have I felt such confidence for the future of Indiana, the United States, and the world, as I do from the posts by this TOK class. These are the conversations with having!

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