Friday, August 24, 2007


Going back to what we were talking about in class about ways of knowing, I think sometimes one way of knowing can lead someone to change their other ways of knowing and persuade othersw. A good example could be Hitler. He had so much hatred that he believed that what he hated should be hated by everyone else. When he began his rise to power, people put faith in him as they had nothing else to put their beliefs in due to their loss of everything. When he became Chancellor, Hitler became an authority figure therefore helping emphasize his persuasion into making people believe his idea of a "perfect society". People believed him till the end and people still do think he was right. This I think is a good example of how ways of knowing can go wrong. People can be so headstrong not only about their beliefs but their emotions that it seems to be the only thing they think is right. Sometimes I think people question what we think is right for ourselves instead of what we think is better or right for everyone around us.

1 comment:

Magister P said...

Excellent point! I like that you used a historical figure. This is just the kind of thing that IB wants to see. Now, on a particular note, they do not want to see any more references to Hitler. I guess they think his example is getting overworked. Are there others who could fit the bill here?