Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Why Help When Big Problem will Still Persist?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
By no means do I have a solution to hunger problem of the world. In truth, there is enough land and resources to provide food for every single person in the world. However, it is not economically practical. What benefit does a person have to growing food if they will not be reimbursed for their time and effort? Unless someone is willing to pay for the entire world to eat, then we are at a standstill.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The second thing I want to say is that I am utterly embarrassed (rightfully or wrongfully so, I'm not sure) that, when reading the hunger articles, i was honestly, completely and absolutely, NUMB to every single word. I felt while reading them, that every number and statistic did nothing but make the paragraph pass more quickly, and I comprehended not a SINGLE stat. It's not as if I read an article on hunger every single day, so I cannot plead over-exposure as the cause of my insensitivity. I almost think that it is the effect of detachedness. I personally have never faced hunger, I personally eat well more than my fair share every meal, and nobody I personally know faces a situation unlike mine. Nonetheless, it is a problem. And, as we have seen from the articles and further posts on here, there are many ways to fight the problem. #1) Doing something is better than nothing. #2) after researching further on the economic efficiency of the different ways of helping, one should act accordingly, helping the hunger problem by using the method found to be most efficient economically/ most convenient. (whichever trait causes more participation) I do tend to agree that a lack of food is not the problem, but the distribution is. Whether sponsoring livestock to be grown or sending money to Haiti, help is needed. And as for having to pick which child lives, there is NO WAY on this earth that I would EVER be able to do it, but once again, i don't need to.
Like Victor said, resources are finite. But that does not mean we can just ignore the problem, saying that "hey, in a few centuries there won't be food anyway, so why bother now?" People do not live for centuries. Their lives are finite, too, and in this case, more finite than the resources fueling them. Therefore helping is both logical and moral, as long as we are perpetually trying to fix the CAUSE of the problem, and not just fix the immediate and current situation. adlskfj I mean I guess the point of ALLLLL of this is that we aren't actually there starving, picking out whether little joe or johnny lives, and so all we can really do is go off of what we got (potentially chillling, yet frighteningly uneffective--for me at least--articles), make a judgment (am i going to help or not?) and then act.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hunger Articles
Articles Response
ART OR FOOD. I don't think it's useful to argue whether or not the $14 million should have come from taxpayer money to go to this ceiling; the representatives believed it was necessary, and it was effectually their call. The only aspect of the debate I can plausibly argue is that $1 million of that money was earmarked for African aid. Ethics aside, just looking at this from a governmental perspective, it seems quite clear to me that this ceiling does not constitute African aide. I suppose meetings held in the room may deal with human rights in Africa or something to that effect but really... when that $1 million were approved, I'm sure the intent was understood that the money would go to Africa. Not art. Throw back in ethics, and this expenditure is absurd. I have a hard time believing they could not find at least $1 million-worth more of private donors to fund the art.
response to the articles
SO Im not sure that makes any sense but to kind of sum it up.... We can sit here and say that these people should have made more informed decisions but I really dont think anyone who hasnt been in that situation has that right. We have a duty to realize that our sorts of reasoning dont always extend to their situations. (---flashback to our "best convo of the year" that one day in class---)
And then...the third article about the UN ceiling. I forget who said in class that its all about how it was TAXPAYER money, but I think that really is the key thing there. And how Jill said that it was assigned to be used for a certain thing and then wasnt used for that certain purpose. So if youre gonna push a load of tax money into a pot called Relief and then go paint a ceiling with it, youre taking something (rights??) away from the taxpayers and the people who were originally going to get relief, whether or not they depended on it. SO, not fair.
So I BELIEVE that before you call the shots on somebody who is starving and choosing children in Haiti, you go live in Haiti and see how you feel. Until then, we might as well help them out. And eventually teach them to fish.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
from Keane Mossman
In regard to the first article concerning Hunger in Haiti, I do understand that hunger there is a significant problem, but the way the country historically has gone about solving the problem is not the right way to do it. As much as I hate to say it, if the woman there are worried about feeding their children than perhaps they shouldnt have as many children? Same pertains to the United States and a college education. Here we are pressured more than ever to get a college education but it is very expensive. So what is a woman in America supposed to do when her 5 children all want to go to college for 20,000$ a year? The solution is to think in advance. Morally it sounds terrible to say something like that I know, but as humans we cannot take on challenges that are bigger than ourselves if we have strong doubt that we cannot survive the struggle to reach the goals we set. The goals must be backed by something before they can be attained. In Haiti a woman should make sure that she can support 1 child, then if she can go on and support another. A person knows what kind of situation they are and what they are capable of doing and if they are in a very poor place with little resources bringing multiple people into the world only dispells the resources quicker. From a moral standpoint I believe we should help the people by teaching them how to grow or produce their own food rather than just giving it to them, but from a more realistic point we have limits in this world one way or the other and we cope with what we have and the key is planning for the future and learning from what you have...
Also, I didn't think even after I read the articles that the problem of hunger is food. Instead, I agree with Patel in the first artical that "the problem is not food, but how we distrubute it". U.N. Human Rights Council are spending $14 million on a stupid ceiling! Including the money ($1 million) that was suppose to be used in African aid. The problem is not that we do not have money, but we did not use the money well enough to help everyone in need. Also, it is ironic to me that the Human Rights Council are the ones behind this project. It is everyone's basic right (or even the most basic and important right) to be provided with food, like stated in the first article. If the Human Rights Council do not provide everyone with their basic rights, and instead, spending millions of dollars on an art project instead of food, then what the point of a Human Rights Council?
I am addressing the issue of personal responsibility in Haiti. I think that the people in Haiti are very deserving of our aid and are in desperate need for food and other necessary supplies to provide them with adequate clothing and shelter. Just as the second article comments, the poor people at Haiti are not at fault for being born into an impoverished country. The only acceptable way to evaluate their personal responsibility is to judge the actions they have taken concerning their situation. I believe that no one should have to choose which child should survive when dealing out food; however, the parents do have control over the size of their families. I am not saying that people who are poor automatically should not have large families. I only think that perhaps they should take into consideration the repercussions of economic hardships on their children’s lives BEFORE starting their families.
I agree that the government should get involved in eliminating poverty to a certain degree, but I cannot honestly support a government system limiting the number of children a family has (as they do in China to try and eliminate a great deal of poverty and prevent over-population). I think that the individual families must make their own decisions regarding family size, and that it is their personal responsibility-not the governments-to insure they can provide for the children they choose to have or not have. However, I also admit that many of the families may have no accurate way of judging how many people they can reasonably support and that there are so many families who are already large, that an outside group or government or SOMEONE must step in to solve the already existing poverty.
I like the idea of teaching the native people to make the Medika Mamba in order to supplement a great deal of the nutrients needed. Although this does not solve the problem of poverty, it certainly is a start to a temporary fix in certain parts of Haiti by providing the community with jobs and food. Perhaps we need to have individuals and private agencies in the United States willing to step up and help these struggling people either by providing them with a small degree of education, decent-paying jobs, or enough food/money/other handouts to get the family back on their feet. As a way of giving back to the community for the blessings given to us as Americans, we need to help these other struggling people. This should be something we do out of goodness and willingness to help others, not to be dictated by the government. Honestly, if the government donates our money through taxes, we see little of its development and have no personal connection or knowledge to where the funds go---they could be used to purchase “300$ hammers” or other ridiculous projects. By donating money as individuals, we are upholding our personal responsibility to the rest of humanity. How sad is it that we have to have the government to take away our money and give it to the impoverished? How selfish are we as a nation that we cannot donate a few dollars through our own will? Donating privately also allows us to choose which charity/country/area/group of people/type of project we put our money towards. Once we see the results of our own endeavors, won’t we be more willing to support new projects in the future?
And as a response to the poverty project/ where the money is going; perhaps we should give the money instead to a program that purchases livestock for families in impoverished countries? For example, they purchase cows, goats, chickens etc so that the family can sell milk/cheese/eggs for profit and keep some of it for consumption? I will look more into the project and get a name and idea of how much money it costs. It may be a more direct way of getting involved, though
typical poverty article.
We can't change it
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Too Many People
"The" Question
Article Responses
The second article, focusing on poverty in the United States, takes a much more practical and statistical approach. Though its numbers are certainly alarming -- 11.9 million Americans went hungry in 2007 -- we are not given the same close and personal view of the problem. However, the article continues to impress the gravity of poverty -- it's not just a third-world issue, it's happening in staggering proportions right here in the United States.
These articles cast a negative light on the allocation of relief funds by the Spanish government described in the third article. While it is certainly important to build the infrastructure of international organizations, and the UN Human Rights Council is likely an appropriate target for relief funding, using aid funds for a $14 million painting is unacceptable. If the money were used simply to build the necessary headquarters for the council, funds intended for relief might be appropriate. However, a $14 million ceiling is an expression of decadence which is s distinctly unethical use of money clearly not intended for this purpose. When experts believe that "hunger can be conquered" and relief funding can provide mass quantities of valuable, nutritious food products like "Medika Mamba", there is no excuse for using aid funding for such a misguided purpose.
What is the source of the problem?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hunger.......Its Real and What We Need to Be Doing to End It
Reconsidering Priorities
I pulled some quotes that I thought were especially important to me. A lot of these fit PERFECTLY with the conversations we were having on poverty and welfare.
"They try to keep them alive by feeding them, but sometimes they make the decision that this one has to go" -- I can read this sentence, but I don't think I can actually comprehend this statement. To me, it is like reading that 24 people died in a bomb attack in Iraq. The number seems staggering, but I realize that I will never (assuming our country does not take a significant downturn) be able to understand what it is like to choose between two children. What kind of way of knowing would you use to pick between two children. I think there is none. If this does not illustrate the severity of global poverty, what will ever cause people to take action? For most people, I sadly believe that it takes personal exposure to the experience before you can empathize. I think this is why the poor give a greater percentage to charities.
"The right to food should be seen as a human right" -- this quote simply posed a question. Is the right to food a human right? It is not in our bill of rights, and people die of poverty and hunger in the United States. The government attempts to combat this problem through social programs, yet "one in eight Americans struggled to feed themselves adequately." We afford even the worst criminals the right to food and shelter. Should this right be granted to everyone, regardless of circumstances or will?
"Instead of throwing fish in the crowd, we should be teaching people how to fish" -- This strikes exactly on the issue of personal responsibility that we discussed earlier. However, I think this illustration is significantly different. Those in the United States often argue in favor of personal responsibility because welfare is a drain on the system. This is not the same as the premise of personal responsibility that we use to argue. Instead, this refers to the necessity of TEACHING people how to grow their own food. I would argue that most of the starving Hatians are not starving because of a lack of personal responsibilty. They have VERY few ways of providing for themselves or getting an education, regardless of their willpower. Does our principle of personal responsibilty even remotely apply to a country without the opportunites that we have in America? Where do you draw the line in order to define personal responsibility? All Americans are not equal, just as all Hatians are not equal, yet I doubt that many would argue that these citizens are not in need of handouts, at least temporarily.
"The government said these people have several ways of coping -- eating less varied diets" -- interesting point that we talked about. Those in poverty rely more on processed foods and have less varied diet. It seems like a vicious cycle leading to poor health, high healthcare costs, less money for food, and a less varied diet.
"$14 million of taxpayers’ money to the project, including nearly $1 million earmarked for African aid" -- taxpayers money going to the arts over poverty? I think that this really poses important questions about the frivolity of society in general, especially in light of poverty. Is this spending justifiable? Even spending originally marked for African aid. It really makes us reconsider our priorities.
In light of this article, it makes me wonder if our intention to raise money for mosquito nets could possibly be redirected. The World Food Programme states: "hunger now kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined." Though our idea is not bad, maybe this is a more pressing concern. Thoughts?
Read and Comment
Which Child Eats, Which Child Dies?
Hunger Among U.S. Children
Art or Food? (Note: Restrict comments to the first part of this article about the U.N. ceiling.)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Aristotle's Thoughts
Where there are revenues the demagogues should not be allowed after their manner to distribute the surplus; the poor are always receiving and always wanting more and more, for such help is like water poured into a leaky cask. Yet the true friend of the people should see that they be not too poor, for extreme poverty lowers the character of the democracy; measures therefore should be taken which will give them lasting prosperity; and as this is equally the interest of all classes, the proceeds of the public revenues should be accumulated and distributed among its poor, if possible, in such quantities as may enable them to purchase a little farm, or, at any rate, make a beginning in trade or husbandry.
I will be interested to see what others make of Nerva's and Aristotle's ideas.