Thursday, November 20, 2008

typical poverty article.

The first article was well-done, but frankly, not surprising, interesting, or anything unique. It's a typical world-hunger/poverty awareness article. The problem does exist, like the article elaborately explains. A solution is given: "The problem is not food, but how we distribute it." Redistribution of food? He's right--the problem isn't the amount of food. The problem is the leaders of these impoverished countries and the poor decisions of adults to have children if they can't afford to feed them. Wealthier countries are wealthy for a reason. To solve this problem, we must rely on organizations that help curb world hunger and encourage representative democracies, capitalism, and true liberty. Succeeding economies reached through free markets mean more products and more food. On a more basic/personal level, parents need to be responsible for themselves, their lives, and their actions. Don't have kids if you can't afford them. In the words of Neal Boortz, "Don't buy a yacht if you can't afford one. Don't have kids if you can't afford diapers." The problem is a big one...and certainly one that concerns me. But redistributing wealth from one country to another is a temporary solution. Like the article mentions, teach them to fish, don't just throw one at them.

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