Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hunger Articles

As much as i hate doing this...i have to refer to Carl Gibson. One day during his rants on something other than physics he showed us the iconic picture of the earth taken by the Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon. He said the earth was not infinite, our resources are limited and will eventually run out. After reading these articles that picture jumped right into my head. At the time i was just hoping i could learn about kinetic energy but now i see what he was talking about. The population of the earth is increasing dramatically and by 2012 its expected to reach 7 billion. Our population increases but our resources are finite. I believe the human race will follow the standard population curve. It will continue to increase until resources dip to the point where growth cannot occur, at which point it will level off. But when will we reach this point? If you look at the human race one clear things stands out; our need to improve our situation. We develop methods, invent things, learn things all to better ourselves. In a way these have all helped us increase our chances of survival, they are a higher order animals way of passing on genes and acknowleging darwin i.e. "hey i dont like small worries ill just develop a vaccine" or "man i wish my crops would grow, no worry ive got slash and burn, along with fertilizers." But i dont believe there will ever be a method to solving the problem of the finite earth. Even if the population problem is solved, which is highly unlikely, we still are trapped to the parameters of this place. The only way to truly solve this problem is to get yourself a paradigm shift and get off this rock. btw this is Victor

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