Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What is the source of the problem?

Last Thursday I had the opportunity go see my favorite author, Greg Mortenson, speak at DePauw University. After reading his book, Three Cups of Tea last year, I have sided with Mortenson's beliefs that the only way to fix poverty is to build schools and educate children. However, his real emphasis is to educate the girls of these poverty stricken villages of rural Afghanistan and Pakistan. By educating the girls of these villages, these villages will have foundations upon which they can grow and become more productive. Mortenson says that over time, this procedure of educating WOMEN will significantly reduce poverty, and thus, reduce world wide hunger.

Robert Malthus projected that there would be a day when the population would surpass the food supply that this world is capable of producing. I completely agree with these Malthusian ideas. Overpopulation in this world is the base problem for the hunger dilemma that is sweeping the earth.

Using a combination of Mortenson's and Malthus's ideas, the conclusion can be drawn that women need to be educated about the effects of bringing new humans into this world when they have no chance of supporting them properly. In article I, Haitians are troubled by terrible hunger problems because they live in horrible conditions and continue to have multiple offspring. If the article says they know they are faced to make the decision between which child gets to eat, and which child dies, then it seems plausible to think that they would be able to make the decision on whether to have sex and risk bringing another child into the world that will not survive.

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